【技术讲座】Infrared nanospectroscopies


报告题目:Infrared nanospectroscopies






The combination of infrared spectroscopy with atomic force microscopy (AFM) has enabled critical breakthroughs in extending chemical analysis to the nanoscale. This presentation will focus on two techniques: (1) photothermal AFM-based infrared spectroscopy (AFM-IR) and; (2) scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM).  These complementary techniques offer chemical analysis and chemical and optical imaging with spatial resolution down to a few nanometers for a wide range of applications,  including complex polymeric materials, graphene and other 2D materials, cells, tissues, proteins, photonic devices, fuel cell membranes.


This presentation will focus on recent key advances in AFM-IR and s-SNOM that have dramatically improved sensitivity, spatial resolution, measurement speed and the range of samples that can be measured.  These innovations significantly improve measurement throughput and pave the way for high resolution IR hyperspectral imaging.  I will also comapre AFM-IR and s-SNOM techniques, discuss recent advances and show measurement examples in materials and life sciences applications, including advanced polymers, fibers, biological cells, amyloids, protein secondary structure and other areas.



杨红华,美国科罗拉多大学物理学博士(导师 Prof. Markus Raschke)。 从事超快纳米光学的研究和相关仪器开发6年。有多个近场光学显微镜(s-SNOM)的相关专利,也是Anasys Instruments 近场光学显微镜的主要研究负责人。